Homegrown: House Plants

“How lovely the silence of growing things.” Unknown

Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen

We’re taking a quick break from cooking this week to talk about houseplants! Benoit Greenhouses is now selling an incredible selection of houseplants to fill your home with life all year round. Black thumb? No problem. We’ll discuss how to keep your plants alive and thriving for years, generations even! I have a snake plant that originated from my great-grandmother’s original plant! It’s well over 100 years old. No room for plants? Wrong. No matter the size of your dwelling, there is always room for plants that suit your individual style. A house is not a home without plants. So let's get growing!

Money Tree

Money Tree

Benefits of Houseplants

-They improve air quality! Houseplants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which helps us breathe easier. They also absorb toxins in the air and balance humidity levels.

-They’re mood boosters! Being a plant parent is SO good for the soul. Caring for plants is linked to reduced stress levels, making us feel happier and more energized. The more plants, the better the feeling!

-They increase focus, creativity, and productivity! Various studies show attention span, creativity, and productivity are increased in rooms where plants are present. 

-They’re freakin’ gorgeous! Not much explanation needed here. 

Swiss Cheese Plant

Swiss Cheese Plant

How Not To Kill Your Houseplants 

-Potting soil and drainage is key. Use a quality potting soil, not garden soil which is for outdoor use. Make sure your pots always have good drainage. Be sure to use pots with drainage holes. If you have a pot you love without holes, fill the bottom with small stones to absorb the extra water. If the plant can’t drain properly, root rot will set in, eventually killing the plant.

-Proper light and placement is also very important. Most houseplants need a good amount of indirect sunlight. Don’t overcrowd your plants. Give them space to grow. 

-Don’t water too much...or too little. Seems obvious, but incorrect watering is the main reason houseplants die. Indoor plants are not like the garden outside, they don’t need watering every day, or even every week. When watering, the soil should be moist but not soggy. A simple trick: stick your finger 1 inch into the soil. If it’s dry, it’s time to water. This could be once a week or every two weeks, depending on the plant.

-Feed your plants with an indoor/houseplant fertilizer. Just like overwatering, over fertilizing can be just as harmful to the plant. This only needs to be done a few times of year to keep the soil balanced. 

-Keep your plants clean and shiny by wiping dirty, dusty leaves with a damp paper towel. Clean leaves allow the plants to better absorb oxygen, making the plant happier and healthier. 

Snake Plants

Snake Plants

Decorating with Houseplants 

When choosing where to begin, consider the light in your rooms and go from there. ZZ plants, snake plants, ponytail palms, and dragon trees are just a few that can tolerate low light conditions. Larger plants like fiddle leaf figs, palms, and monsteras are perfect on the floor in the corner of a room. Mix it up and move your plants around often until you figure out what you like. Try hanging your plants in a bright window or a drab area that could use some life. Empty spot on a shelf or bookcase? Add a plant or two...or three. Show your personal style through decorative pots, planter baskets, and plant stands. Stuck with pots at home you don’t love? Throw a coat of paint to give them a facelift! 

I believe every room should have at least one plant. We have multiple plants in every room of our home. Bringing the outdoors in gives our home a natural, welcoming, and cozy feeling. Even on the darkest and coldest days of year, our indoor garden oasis is bright and alive. 

Houseplants bring living, colorful comfort to your space and are much easier to care for than most people think. A new houseplant is the perfect pick-me-up on a bad day or as a way to remember a special moment in your life. Spread joy to others by gifting a houseplant to friends and family. 


See you next week to make a few delicious salsas to last you all fall and winter long. 



Homegrown: Salsas


Homegrown: Zucchini & Cucumbers